MMU( mobile medicare unit) is a project meant for taking the health services to the door steps of the senior citizens( 60 years and above) living in remote villages in the rural areas. This project is financially supported by the ministry of social justice and empowerment, government of India and is being implemented by CARE for the past 23 years.
The model of operation of MMU is to select 8 remote villages with 50 senior citizens of men and women and list them as beneficiaries of the project. The MMU consisting of a medical doctor, nurse, pharmacist, social worker and driver will conduct 2 medical camps in a week and cover the 8 villages in a month. During the camp the listed beneficiaries will be checked, provided treatment and medicines for minor ailments and those needing hospitalised treatment will be referred to the government hospitals for further treatment. Thus, on an average 400 senior citizens will benefit 12 times a year to taking the number to 4800.